Yet Another Zombie Defense HD

Official Trailer

What kind of Coop Game is this?

Yet another Defense HD is a Top Down Arcade Shooter with strategic elements. The key is to find the best strategy against the hordes to stretch your run as long as you can.



Version number: 

Price paid:


Number of people played with:


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Time played so far:

Estimated completion rate:


Estimate minimum Age to play:


Date game profile was posted:

11/05/2021 Profile for feature info: 



Why you should coop this:

Yet Another Zombie Defense HD is a nice party game for a group for a few hours. The premise is: How long can you survive? Obviously the waves of enemies will get increasingly harder.

You can choose one of 4 characters that only look different but play the same. You have Weapons, Towers and Barricades at your disposal and the building menu is easy to pick up. You plant weapons on top of towers or use them on your own. Every 3 – 4 levels you can improve your character’s skill tree: Faster Reload, Magnet, Faster Health Regeneration, Increased movement speed and more Health. The skills top out at 4 points and each point increases the skill by a few percent – small but enough that you notice the difference.

The ever-increasing horde of enemies is a variation on the zombie theme…so next to the walking dead you have Ghouls, winged enemies with swords and others… you get the idea.

You quickly have to work with the Barricades since Monsters are too quick and too many at around wave 12-14 – so the standard tactic of running backwards in a circle will no longer be viable.

The game has no story, just the zombie invasion setup.

The game can be played as a casual fun romp, suitable even for non-gamers, but if you really want to succeed, the host has to ration the expenses after each round. Decide if you wait for a sale and buy ammunition for your auto-turrets. Money is scarce and you have to budget well since barricades and towers can also be destroyed and have be bought anew. Primary money is shared but each player has a small amount for his own, also shared are weapons and ammo. This is also the thing that makes the game more coop than multiplayer: you have to talk about what to buy, where to stand and fight, who spends his skill points on what (i.e. you could really use a fast runner with a good magnet to collect all things that enemies drop).

Enemies also drop buffs like Invisibility, Invincibility, Faster Movement, etc. These drops obviously increase the temptation to risk more to get them and move out of the barricades, which quickly becomes dangerous.

Unfortunately the level design is very samey and does not offer enough variation: grey floor and a lantern to mark the center of the map.

Joining and online coop works surprisingly well and you can also join a host that already has progressed a few levels.

The game has a certain addictiveness – just one more run – and you really want to start over after you failed and work on your strategy, however…


It is just too monotonous. The level stays the same. A lot depends on the randomness of the sale and you always have to restart at level 1 once you failed. It is unclear if there even is an end to the game.

The loop is just off that you have to play until wave 20-24 and have to be very frugal with your expenses and your ammo. It would be more fun if you could use your ammo and weapons more freely.

The game quickly shows you its limits and the fun decreases since progress is slowing down too much. The whole team has to play very disciplined and focused to have a good run which somewhat clashes with the casual, easy to pick up gameplay.

After a bunch of runs you might get burned out a little too quickly.

Cooperative or Multiplayer Game?

Many games that are listed as Coop are games were you rather play together with players playing simultaneously. The true cooperative element comes in with working together, coordination and good teamwork. Both types are viable and can be great fun. Our aim is to let you know how this game handles this. More on this distinction under “About this Site”.


If the graph is more orange colored the game falls more in the Cooperation category. 


If the graph is more blue colored the game falls more in the Multiplayer category. 

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