
Official Trailer

What kind of Coop Game is this?

Unrailed! is a coop game that asks your team to build the train tracks in front of a running train. You have to gather resources and bring them to your train to build track parts on the wagons of the train. Clear the path, build bridges and reach the next station.



Version number: 

Ver. 1.0.6

Price paid:


Number of people played with:


Possible number of players:

Time played so far:

10 hrs

Estimated completion rate:

no real completion. finished all biomes once (or twice for end credits)

Estimate minimum Age to play:


Date game profile was posted:


Co-Optimus.com Profile for feature info: 



Why you should coop this:

The idea of this game is really sound. The building the track for a running train idea lends itself well for a coop coordination game. Also the visual presentation is super nice. You will get all the hectic and frantic gameplay here you also find in titles like overcooked or Moving out. The gameplay mechanics are quite simple and instantly understood: the axe is used to chop trees into wood, the pickaxe is used to make stone out of rocks and the water bucket is used to fill up the water tank of your steam engine.

After each section you reach a station and can spend bolts that you either find in the level or earn by reaching more stations for upgrades. Either you buy or upgrade your wagons (higher stack size, bigger water tank, more specialized wagons that we only tried a little) or you buy a better engine to keep progressing through the world.

At first clearing the way for the train and putting all wood and stone into the track building wagons is easy enough and more of a logistic puzzle. The train will drive from one biome to the next (wood-> canyon->snow->etc) and the challenges will change and there are some clever variations on the basic mechanics that show that the devs really had good and fun ideas to get a lot out of the concept. They really go to some inventive and fun biomes that will make your team strategize and coordinate.

Some challenges are not easy but you progress at a steady pace. Since the Train is relentlessly driving no matter what kind of problems you run into the game offers it’s fair share of fun shouting in panic and friendly name calling when someone is standing in your way with his stack of wood when you are trying to reach the front of the train with your hands full of track pieces and the train is almost crashing.


Next to the positives this game sadly also has a small set of issues. There were some minor technical issues but more severe are the structural problems for us.

The game was clearly envisioned as a highscore game. When we tried it for the first time on PC it only had quick or endless mode without any form of save or check-pointing system. This was patched in later and the implementation is very rogue-like and creates a lot of repetitiveness that is unnecessary. The save function is so complicated that some of our players were confused each time we were reset even hours into the game. It works like this: Play one level without saving and earn bolts. At a station you can upgrade or buy new wagons – if you decide to do this you will have to continue on to the next station in the biome – until you have 4 bolts to spare and buy a new engine that lets you access the new biome – all of this without any option to save your progress or your upgrades. once you have a new engine and a new biome in front of you, you have to reach the first station of the new biome to enter a checkpoint. So if you play biome x you and die you will reset at the start of biome x, even after having played a few stations in biome x a crash will reset you at the start of biome x. When you leave biome x and play biome y with your new engine and crash, you will also restart at the start of biome x. You have to consecutively play successfully the stations in biome x (at least until you can buy the new engine) and the first section of biome y to save in biome y. Since the world is procedurally generated once this leads to you playing the first section of biome x a lot of times. And since this isn’t that much fun you rather skip any upgrades in favor of buying the new engine as soon as possible to quickly make for the next checkpoint. The upgrade and checkpoint systems clearly are odds with one another. If you sit through all the repetition and make it to the first checkpoint in the next level you are rewarded but it does not make for a very good gameplay loop.

Other than that the game has no campaign: No seed that is especially fun and might have you work through one specific line ( I dunno maybe cross country through the US and then some more bonkers sections) that you can play through with every station a checkpoint and complete. It would be easy to implement it seems yet it is sorely missing. Instead you can play the endless modes through all biomes and if you collect a hidden collectible in each biome you can see credits in the last biome before continuing on in endless. We only found out about theses collectibles after we finished once so we had the option to play it again for those. We did that and played through a new seed once more to collect these and see credits but it still feels like a barebones substitution for a missing campaign. Finding the collectibles however changed up the game a tiny bit since we could only advance to the next biome once we found the collectible which forced us sometimes to stay longer and in one biome and risk crashing but maily it was just fun to play
the game once more. I respect that the devs envision their game as a high score game that has endless variations but we felt that this game lends itself better to a 8-12 hours coop campaign with some tricky sections were you see every biome on your journey and then you can think about doing highscores.

Do to a crappy save system and a non existing campaign and therefore a playthrough that does not really feels like one, we felt the game fell short of its potential.

Cooperative or Multiplayer Game?

Many games that are listed as Coop are games were you rather play together with players playing simultaneously. The true cooperative element comes in with working together, coordination and good teamwork. Both types are viable and can be great fun. Our aim is to let you know how this game handles this. More on this distinction under “About this Site”.


If the graph is more orange colored the game falls more in the Cooperation category. 


If the graph is more blue colored the game falls more in the Multiplayer category. 

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