The Survivalists

Official Trailer

What kind of Coop Game is this?

The Survivalists is a coop survival game from the makers of the Escapists series and builds up its mechanics on top of the Escapists series established crafting and learning fundamentals. Your are stranded on island and have to build a camp, forage for food and survive against wildlife and other things. You do not only cooperate with fellow players but use an ever increasing army of monkeys to build supply chains and give them other helpful tasks.



Version number: 

Ver. 1.0.4

Price paid:


Number of people played with:


Possible number of players:

Time played so far:


Estimated completion rate:

still going, in the middle of 1 world map

Estimate minimum Age to play:


Date game profile was posted:

29/11/2020 Profile for feature info: 



Why you should coop this:

in midst of playing


you have to be willing to learn a lot and be able to let got of older bases to continue on to new shores

Cooperative or Multiplayer Game?

Many games that are listed as Coop are games were you rather play together with players playing simultaneously. The true cooperative element comes in with working together, coordination and good teamwork. Both types are viable and can be great fun. Our aim is to let you know how this game handles this. More on this distinction under “About this Site”.


If the graph is more orange colored the game falls more in the Cooperation category. 


If the graph is more blue colored the game falls more in the Multiplayer category. 

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