The Escapists 2

Official Trailer

What kind of Coop Game is this?

The Escapists 2 is sandbox game, where you are inmates of a prison and have to break out of it. You have to get strong to fight and smart enough to craft yourself helpful items and then collect all the things you need and plot your escape route.



Version number: 

Price paid:


Number of people played with:


Possible number of players:

Time played so far:

40 hrs

Estimated completion rate:

all multiplayer escapes, and some single player escapes

Estimate minimum Age to play:


Date game profile was posted:

16/01/2021 Profile for feature info: 



Why you should coop this:

This game feels quite unique due to its different approach that stays really true to its premise. As an inmate you have to lay low and follow the rules or you risk being beaten up or of you are to obvious you will be sent in the SHU for solitary confinement (after some time of potato peeling you are sent back to gen(eral) pop(ulation)). This makes for an interesting gameplay loop: When you start in a prison you want to find out how it is structured to develop an escape plan. All the while you have to show up for counting and meals to not raise suspicion level. In the your free time you need to bulk up in the gym or get smart in the library. This is done with simple minigames and rewards you with more stamina and more crafting recipes. You will also do some odd jobs for other inmates for a little money (true to the concept these jobs are beating someone up, planting some false evidence in their cell, steal something from other, etc.) and you will loot desks and cells to get your crafting materials. Your goal is to keep all the things you are needing for your escape – like makeshift wire cutters or pickaxes to get through fences or walls as well as weapons – safe in a secret stash so they are not taken from you when you are beaten up or the prison is put under lockdown since someone failed to show up for headcount. Once you have a plan you need to cause a distraction or sneak out at night to realize it. You are preparing and coordinating for that moment. And when it comes you are tense and have a high pulse and it feels like you are breaking out of prison! This all sounds like a very involved prison escape simulator – which it kind of is but the cute, pixelated artstyle keeps things in a light mood. There are very creative prison levels and even some fun levels n between where you are on a train or a boat.
The gameplay alternates a bit between coop and multiplayer. There are times were all players are concerned with raising their stats in the gym or the library or everybody is on the hunt for the duct tape you need and it feels like you are playing alongside each other and other times where someone s cutting through a fence and the coop players are beating up guards that are coming too close where the game is very coop. We really loved the game once we got into it.


The game has a strange save system that you have to wrap your head around first and sometimes you are needing some part that is just not spawning in random desk searches and forces you to earn money and hope that it will be sold by a fellow inmate. Also once you know your way around the game and have broken out of some prisons the starting phase in a new level gets a little stale – gym times, library times, and sticking to prison routines in the early days can feel like busywork (actually they are not that laborious and do not take much time) . These are really minor inconveniences. One warning though: When we started we felt after 45 minutes a sense of overwhelming confusion and were close to calling it quits. We are super glad we stuck with it but it obviously is takes a little effort to get into it. One we were hooked we played levels again to find all escape routes. So don’t get discouraged in the early game, sticking with it is highly rewarding.

Cooperative or Multiplayer Game?

Many games that are listed as Coop are games were you rather play together with players playing simultaneously. The true cooperative element comes in with working together, coordination and good teamwork. Both types are viable and can be great fun. Our aim is to let you know how this game handles this. More on this distinction under “About this Site”.


If the graph is more orange colored the game falls more in the Cooperation category. 


If the graph is more blue colored the game falls more in the Multiplayer category. 


Creativity Award

This game deserves a creativity award simply because the developer managed to craft a fun experience out of all the “prison escape” tropes and stories you have ever heard. It really nails what it was going for and does so in a tongue in cheek way. It also managed to surprise us with its settings and escape route ideas.

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