Splatoon 2

Official Trailer

What kind of Coop Game is this?

Splatoon 2 is an online mulitplayer shooter…but kind of not. You “shoot” ink on other players and on the level. It is a competitive online multiplayer game with a strictly single player campaign but several game modes and most of them can be played in coop. It is very engaging and oozes in ink and style.



Version number: 

Ver. 5.3.1

Price paid:


Number of people played with:


Possible number of players:

Time played so far:


Estimated completion rate:

completed single player (not the DLC Campaign), played all modes and all levels at least a few times

Estimate minimum Age to play:


Date game profile was posted:


Co-Optimus.com Profile for feature info: 



Why you should coop this:

This game is stylish and very engaging and has a great atmosphere. It feels very nintendo which is surprising since it is in essence a competetive, 3rd person shooter. Apart from the style and the family friendliness it is also super original in its weapon design and game modes. The main mode is turf war – were you have to paint more of the level in your teams colour to win but for 2 or 4 player coop groups (trios only have the horde mode available) you can also take part in ranked/league matches that put you in 1 of 4 cycling modes that are all super fun: Splat zones (hold special areas), Tower Control (ride a tower into the enemy base), Clam Blitz (collect clams to get a super clam that you can throw into the enemies basketball hoopthingy) and rainmaker (cary a golden Bazooka into the enemy base). All these have so many different strategies and tactics that they really demand all of your team. You have to work together, communicate well and shoot better than the enemy. The game is not easy since there are some very good players out there but winning really feels great and the game is simply imense fun. Luckily the player base seems to be very healthy and continously growing so you will find teams that are on your level where matches are extremely tense. Due to its “one more round” nature you quickly spend an ungodly amount of hours playing. The game rewards cooperation in many ways – your team setup, your specials, your team roles all play a major part if you want to win.


It is endless and the community is getting freakishly good which leads to some confrontations were you will have no chance because your opposite team are very dedicated, controller wizards, Also there are some design choices that seem baffling: you always have to hear/click through a dialogue of the modeartors at the beginning. Also there are s no way to have your 3 player team fillled up by a rando and the 3 player horde mode is not available all the time but opens and closes to a certain schedule. Also the game now demands quite the amount of dedication since starting now will give you a lot of modes, maps, weapons and specials that you better have to learn about that have beein introduced gradually after launch.

Cooperative or Multiplayer Game?

Many games that are listed as Coop are games were you rather play together with players playing simultaneously. The true cooperative element comes in with working together, coordination and good teamwork. Both types are viable and can be great fun. Our aim is to let you know how this game handles this. More on this distinction under “About this Site”.


If the graph is more orange colored the game falls more in the Cooperation category. 


If the graph is more blue colored the game falls more in the Multiplayer category. 


Team Award

This game fits this award perfectly. You have to work as a team to win against better teams. You have to manage your roles, strategies, and communicate what the other team is doing. You have to allow players to jump to you after they died. You ideally look at your loadout as a team so you bring a variety of guns and specials. It demands a lot of your team but the strangest team strategies might work.

Style Award

Just look at it. It nails every aspect of its style: the fashion of the costumes, the whole weird squid world, THE MUSIC and it is just so colourful. This game would have been great without all this but having great gameplay embedded in such an artistic world is fantastic.

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