Risk of Rain 2

Official Trailer

What kind of Coop Game is this?

A run-based, roguelite Actiongame that encourages a well-balanced gameplay between looting, shooting and hurrying up.



Version number: 

Ver. 1.0.8

Price paid:


Number of people played with:


Possible number of players:

Time played so far:

20 hrs

Estimated completion rate:

hard to say, all characters and most bosses, not all challenges and items

Estimate minimum Age to play:


Date game profile was posted:


Co-Optimus.com Profile for feature info: 



Why you should coop this:

This is a very well thought out action game that has a great variety of creative characters and a loot randomizer that can make every run feel vastly different. It has a plethora of items to learn und balance and great loop of looting and shooting. The whole game is dominated by a sort of timer that rushes you from level to level and makes you balance your need for items with your lack of time. At first complicated and overwhelming things quickly feel natural and fun. It is very challenging and intense in some situations and a great game for a group to learn together and get better at. Even though you are mostly a little confused by all the randomnes thrown at you all the runs are fun and even if the different items still confuse you, you can clearly see that you are more powerful, appreciate abilities you do not know why you have them – only to loose everything on the next run and get different stuff. The game lets you play cooperatively in the sense that you can have healing auras that entice a strategic coop gameplay but you can also play alongside in multiplayer and just take out enemies faster together.


There are several things that unfortunately keep this game from reaching the greatness of its potential. Firstly: there is no pause button, not even some pause suggestion where other players can opt in. So no toilet for anyone on the team wich is insane considering that runs can take hours and there is only one special area where time stops. Additional to this baffling annoyance for me the roguelite-loop-motivation-formula just does not work. We miss the dangling carrot on what you are working towards, after you unlocked the characters and most of the items. The loop feels like collect things, hope they are good random items, fight as long as you can, get as far as you can. Rinse and repeat. There ist not really anything you take out of a run to make your next one easier. There is no super endboss you work toward. You can only dial up the difficulty. The game is really great on some accounts but it fails to motivate us to play more of it after we felt we have seen the majority of it. There are coop roguelites that appear to handle the loop better: 20XX and Lost castle come to mind. There is an update coming which will add new things and might adress some of these shortcomings.

Cooperative or Multiplayer Game?

Many games that are listed as Coop are games were you rather play together with players playing simultaneously. The true cooperative element comes in with working together, coordination and good teamwork. Both types are viable and can be great fun. Our aim is to let you know how this game handles this. More on this distinction under “About this Site”.


If the graph is more orange colored the game falls more in the Cooperation category. 


If the graph is more blue colored the game falls more in the Multiplayer category. 

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