Deru - The Art of Cooperation

Official Trailer

What kind of Coop Game is this?

Deru – The Art of cooperation is – like the title suggest – a puzzle game designed around coop and only playable with two local players. Staying in theme with the title it also looks very artsy and vibrant.



Version number: 

Price paid:


Number of people played with:


Possible number of players:

Time played so far:

maybe 4hrs?

Estimated completion rate:


Estimate minimum Age to play:


Date game profile was posted:

15/01/2021 Profile for feature info: 



Why you should coop this:

A puzzle game designed around coop is something we appreciate a lot here. We stumbled across this in the Nintendo eShop by accident and bought it immediately. We started it and played it through in one go if I remember correctly. We loved it a lot. It is a basic principle: Black can touch white and white can touch black, but not the other around. You have to guide to shapes to their respective goal and the way is blocked by lasers – some white and some black. Your goal is to shield your partner and move through this laser maze by shielding each other, sometimes move in unison, sometimes in temporal offset and staggered. This all makes for a beautiful dance through an artsy maze and each completed level rewards you with feeling smart. It is not to hard and you will continue on in a good pace. There are great ideas and brilliant puzzle design in this and we would love more and similar stuff from this developer. Also this is a game you might try to play with non video gamers who like a brain tease since the controller input side is not that demanding.


There really is no good reason not to play this. If you find yourself on a couch with a friend. Give this a go and it will most likely engage you and your brains. Maybe it is a little on the easy side. We would have liked even more puzzling mazes. An online mode would have been great and probably possible but is sadly missing.

Cooperative or Multiplayer Game?

Many games that are listed as Coop are games were you rather play together with players playing simultaneously. The true cooperative element comes in with working together, coordination and good teamwork. Both types are viable and can be great fun. Our aim is to let you know how this game handles this. More on this distinction under “About this Site”.


If the graph is more orange colored the game falls more in the Cooperation category. 


If the graph is more blue colored the game falls more in the Multiplayer category. 


Creativity Award

The solely coop puzzle design and the focus on the core ideas are outstanding. Additionally it is packed into a beautiful artstyle. It seems like a passion project.

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