Darksiders Genesis

Official Trailer

What kind of Coop Game is this?

Darksiders Genesis is a top down action adventure with RPG elements in the vein of Diablo while sticking close to the trite twin stick action game formula. It is a spin-off of a more zelda-like 3d thrid person game series. You and your coop buddy are two horsemen of the apocalypse trying to keep the balance between good and evil and keeping things stable in Hell.



Version number: 


Price paid:


Number of people played with:


Possible number of players:

Time played so far:

15+ hours

Estimated completion rate:


Estimate minimum Age to play:


Date game profile was posted:


Co-Optimus.com Profile for feature info: 



Why you should coop this:

It is a coop game that has some okay combat and some color variation and it is good fun to cringe at the edginess and the failed buddy-cop humor. We learned to hate this pretty quickly and sometimes it is just fun to hate on something together. Other than that I am having trouble coming up with things that are objectively good or high quality about this game and reasons why you should coop this. You should not since anyone’s time is too valuable and there are better and more fun alternatives around. At least there was some very mild fun in collecting collectibles.
Since we pulled through at the end just to finish this mess of a game there were several health and powerbar upgrades we did not get which made us slightly underpowered for the final boss which resulted in a very tough fight where we barely scraped through tooth and nail. That was the highlight of the game since this was very tense in the end. The rest was not very hard.


Lets start with the more objective things to critique about this game and especially the port for the Nintendo Switch:

The graphics are not very clear or pleasant: Some levels are too dark in general and most of the locations look a little smudgy (at least in the switch version). The Trailer linked above is not the switch version – the screenshots look more like it. The switch version also is incredibly buggy for such a highly priced game: We had trouble joining the other persons game and after a few completed levels the progress was out of sync. Though it looked the same we could only continue in coop after both players completed the level alone. This happend twice. There were other frequent bugs like sometimes players were not able to move; sometimes a fallen player is respawned and immediately downed to be revived again and there were several hard crashes to the system as well. All in all a very bad port and annoying gaming experience.

Next to the severe technical problems there were other things we did not enjoy at all: The story is presented in comic-style drawn videos and they are quite bad – they try to be too flashy and cool but just look boring and trite. The tone of the game also was not to our taste: the banter was awful. The game tried to go for the buddy movie formula with one serious and broody character and one cocky character that quips all the time. For us none of the humor or voice performances worked. Since the presentation was so awful we clicked through dialogues fast and what we could grasp of the Story wasn’t good.

The puzzle design was sometimes bad as well. One Player waits or has to spam a button while the other player has to do a Puzzle (guiding a fast ball through a maze) – this leads to a situation that puts pressure on the player that has to perform while the other is being bored and annoyed to keep pressing things. It is also distinctively not a coop mechanic when one player just starts the challenge for the other.

For strife the ammo changing menu controls were a little too messy to ever get cool or quickly done in a fun way. It felt a little to unintuitive and convoluted

Overall a totally unoriginal game with shoddy switch port in a barely playable buggy state. We were very relieved to be done with it. Can not recommend. Like at all.

Cooperative or Multiplayer Game?

Many games that are listed as Coop are games were you rather play together with players playing simultaneously. The true cooperative element comes in with working together, coordination and good teamwork. Both types are viable and can be great fun. Our aim is to let you know how this game handles this. More on this distinction under “About this Site”.


If the graph is more orange colored the game falls more in the Cooperation category. 


If the graph is more blue colored the game falls more in the Multiplayer category. 

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